A Confession

We know that learning English (speaking in English in this case) is important but actually the more important thing is keep practicing. From the first day I went to the collage until now, I rarely use English in my daily life. Well, at one moment, when I became a participant industrial visit in Thai thou. I started to speak English more and more but when I came back, I used it no more. And yesterday, when I attended English class for Chronics  liaison officer, I totally messed up. I was lacking my ability to elaborate my mind by speaking in English. I was just babbling, saying something that nonsense. Every difficult word that I learn for scholastic aptitude test vanished from my mind. But thank God, my friends still understood what I exactly I mean. Huff.

I should take an English Course again. I should start from the beginning, from building self confidence to speak English until debating complicated things that I don't know (and will be ended with babbling too -_-). And maybe I need to play many games too. I'll get ton of vocabs there. I need to prepare my self to be a good liaison officer because there's a chance to accompany Chronics participants form other country. If I do bad, I will ashame Chronics and myself. 

And suddenly I remember my tour guide in industrial visit. He's such a sissy young man and i heard that he do transgender surgery! OH GOD! He's quite handsome.he definitely transforms into pretty lady now. Maybe I should use 'she' to call him.. err her from now on -_-

Btw if you confused about Chronics, just google it hehe.


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