The journey of Sembadra in forbidden city.

This is a letter as a remembrance for my future self. For those who think this letter is ridiculous, don't bother to read it and with my pleasure, you may leave this page. 

Hello the future Sembadra, you should remember that you've been contributing in an activity, which is so awesome and you want to join it over and over again, called Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN). For those who don't know what exactly KKN is and if the future Sembadra, somehow, forgets about it, it's community service and development in other words. This activity make undergrad students getting involve in society's problems and with their skill gained in university, they should help the society to solve them.

So the future Sembadra, let me explain you about your KKN. It took place in Kecamatan Larangan. Hmm, sounds weird huh?  It's in Kabupaten Brebes, in Central Java. The condition of this place is so dusty with strong wind, and everywhere is red onion fields and damaged roads. And not to be forgotten, it's actually a popular area for mosquitoes to rest and mate, and breed and then suck your blood so that they can mate and breed again and so on. 

Hmm, lucky you....

Your KKN is held from July 'till August 2015. You were not alone, there were 19 friends of yours. They are Nyun or Ryan (your close friend in high school), Mirla (Ryan's gf), Ira, Vega, Ndan (Arif), Kuli (Lilang), Inok (Novan), Kemal, Erel (Erlita), Qonita, Mbake (Nilna), Lina, Arsy, Sasa (Arsy's gf), Octy, Santi, Sabila, Silvi, and Ojan (Fauzan). 

Larangan 'platoon' in Pelepasan KKN. Arsy, Sasa, Ojan, Erel, Lina were not coming.

I must admit that they're such great companions. They have such a marvelous mental and physical prowess to survive in Larangan. Good job guys! And then, you and your friend were divided into three subunit. You're with Inok, Mbake, Lina, Arsy, Sasa, and Ojan. Your operation area was Temukerep. 

The first day you arrived in Temukerep, you're guided to a vacant house and this house would be your home for the next 2 months. The house is a property of Ibu Sayik's son who was working in sea voyage. It is quite modern, it's already have wall, ceramic tiles, and full with furniture. After you went inside the house, you're extremely horrified to see the bathroom. It has partial height wall! It's just about 150 cm height and no door! There's only hanging light fabric and if there's wind, it'll be caught in the wind and revealing everything inside the bathroom. And also, you might see the head of your friend taking a shower. BUT, regardless of these condition, you're feel grateful because there's STILL a bathroom inside the house. You didn't have to take a bath in the river or public bathroom. Alhamdulillah....

Here are some notable events that never be forgotten! 

1. Temukerep platoon went to somewhere, I dunno, I don't really remember where, and Mbake and me decided to go back first. We're in a hurry because we need to pee badly. After we arrived at home, we, in a blink of an eye, went to the back of the house to reach its bathroom but first, we need to unlock the back door. And after we unlocked it, we're so surprised because the back of the house was so so dark and we're screaming. We're freaking out because we're afraid. After that I run into terrace but Mbake stopped me! She said, "Jangan  ke depan Mbod, kan ada 'Mbaknya'....". After she said those words, we waited no longer to run and save ourselves to our bedroom. By the way, 'Mbaknya' refers to kuntilanak which lives in the mango tree in front of the house. 

2. It happened when I teach Iqro in TPA. There was a lil boy, a handsome specimen indeed, and he's my student. He read his Iqro and when there's something wrong with his pronunciation, I was there to make him right by saying the right word. He's in Iqro volume 1. It means that he's still learning about hijaiyah letter. And then there's time when the wind was blowing so hard. It made the leaves of palm tree near us blow so hard in the wind and make such a loud, weird noise. I'm surprised and spontaneously I shouted "WOW!". And what happened next really made me laugh. My student thought he was wrong so that I corrected him, and then he mimicked me and said "WOW" too! Oh dear my lil boy I cherish most, wow is not in the list of hijaiyah letter. LOOOOOOL XD

3. The tragedy of galon Aqua! Actually I wanna explain everything about this tragedy but I think there will be a person who is mad with me if I do that wkwk. Peace.

tbc. (Suddenly, I'm so lazy to write the entire journey down so I think I'll continue it after I have spare time. See ya!)


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