
Alrite, I have the urge to post my experience I got last night because it's so awesome. More than 24 hours before right now, I was in Surabaya to attend job recruitment from Wing Corp. My father told me to come back home immediately because I think he had been missing me so much wkwk. So I ordered a ticket of travel bus, named Bali Prima, last night and the operator said that the minibus would pick me up around maghrib time. And you know what, the recruitment was done at 5 something pm. I was being me, I was so nervous, afraid that the minibus would arrive at my friend's house (we numpang tidur situ, thanks Dara wkwk) when I'm not there. Then, right after the recruitment done, I asked my hottest friend named Retna to order a Go-car (because I don't have the app cause my phone's internal memory is not enough. Even I can't update my Whatsapp huff). We got the driver, Pak Bambang! After that Retna, Hana (my friend too), and I waited Pak Bambang in venue's lobby. It took some minutes, we could take our selfies wkwk. Then, Pak Bambang finally arrived! It was around 5.30 pm. We got into his car and go. I was thinking that "Huff, finally I'm going home" BUT something happened. Cars on the road were not moving and made many lines of car and we stucked in one of them huhu. It's traffic jam everywhere, baby! I was so desperate I can't go home and it's worsen by the fact that I'll get 100% charge if I'm late and the minibus will leave me behind. In other words, i should give Rp 145.000 to Bali Prima for nothing -_-. No! I doon't want that happen! So I prayed to God for the best solution. Thenn, after I waited like forever, the car was free (kinda) from the traffic jam. Alhamdulillah. And finally, the minibus from Bali Prima picked me at 8 pm *facepalm

The journey hasn't finished yet. The minibus should pick 5 more customers and each customer was so far away with the other customer. And we stucked in a traffic jam (again). It's in front of Grand City and boneks were everywhere. It looked like there was a concert of Endank Soekamti there. The minibus went to Perak to pick a customer and when the driver called this customer, he said that it's not in Perak but in Sidoarjo! Apparently, the name of the street in Perak and Sidoarjo are same and an office staff, who wrote the address of customers on the driver's note, forgot to wrote 'Sidoarjo' on it..... And in the end, the minibus leaved Surabaya at midnight. 

And now, let's talk about the driver. I think he's so 'skillful' to drive the minibus and really has a 'gut' to overtaking huge truck (typical bus driver, you know it). But, the fact that I was sitting on the front seat made me able to see what's going on in front of the minibus. It's kinda freaking me out wkwk. The speed was so unbearable, I think it's way too fast wkwk. Therefore, I preferred to sleep. 

Around 2 am, I woke up. The minibus was in Besuki. I can see sea everywhere in the left of the road. There's also fullmoon, which is so beautiful. And its reflection too. And the starry night too. That moment is so peaceful, I really love it. That makes me feeling grateful for the trip. And finally, after I done seeing everything, I was feeling drowsy and falling asleep. 

to be continued. I'm so sleepy, gotta hit the bed. Bye!

Then the sun was rising from its sleep, and I was in Baluran at that time. And do you know what I found in Baluran? A crashed minibus, it's because of collision between this minibus and a huge truck. The entire front side of this minibus was in terrible state. I can't imagine what's going on with the driver and the people who sat on the front seats :" I hope they're alright. And I feel so blessed that unlucky event didn't occur to my minibus :"


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