My experience becoming a nomad

Aloha world, aloha sunshine, aloha people who are secretly reading my blog haha. So this is my first post in 2018 and it takes such a long time for me to, finally, star to post something again here. This new life, which is working life, adaptation is really energy and time-consuming, consequently i couldn't spare some time to take care of my blog, haha.

So this afternoon, when I was going home from my office, I realized something. It turns out that I got so much experience when I was away from my hometown because I've been staying in some towns that I think are so remarkable. These towns are Malang, Yogyakarta, Jakarta, and Bandung. Every town has its own culture and atmosphere, so in this post I will share to you my experience and my opinion about these towns.

1. Malang

In 2009, I got this experience to stay in Malang for 3 years because I got this scholarship from Sampoerna Academy and it's necessity for me to attend a boarding school there. First I will talk about the weather there. It's well-known that Malang has cool weather. Yes, it's true. You can always feel the cool breeze. Even in my dormitory, when I woke up in the morning and went outside, I could see my own breath because its coldness! But if it's already been midday, beware of the sunshine. The air is still cool, yes, but the sunshine can really burn your skin before you realize it and it makes your skin really 'belang' (based on true experience). And in my case, somehow this weather with its perfect air humidity can really preserve my skin. No pimple, no wrinkle, and softer!

Next is about the culture. Hmm, let's start with the resident habit when talking to each other haha. Many people say that Malang people have harsh intonation and some rude vocabs. When I first came to Malang, I couldn't agree more. But as time went by, It became such a habit for me to hear those thing, so I was like "yeah, alright", and apparently, regardless their habit to talk like that, they're such kind-hearted people loh. Next is about the food. The food here is awesome! Most of the signature dishes in Malang are savory and since I love salty and savory dish (actually I love all kind of food except durian and spicy), I love all of them haha.

What else, hmm, the next is tourist attraction. I bet you've already known it from Google. It means no further information yah, haha (actually I'm so lazy to type it. But seriously, there's a bunch of information about it in Google. Just search for it).

Overall, I like this town. It's nice town, or rather it's unforgetful town for me. It brought me and my high school together to make extraordinary and sensational memories. For 3 years, we laughed together, we fall down and rise together in this town and that makes our bonding is so strong until now. We're always there for each other, really. 💗

By the way, oot, there's this song (the theme song of Sampoerna Foundation) which really makes us so emotional. We sang it together when we had our inauguration and gradutaion. Check this out. 


to be continued, if a have a good mood to continue it haha.


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