A Story to Tell: Eratosthenes

Aloha. Today I decide to make a new section for my blog, which is 'A Story to Tell'. This section will contain about things or people who are interesting and make such a great impact for humanity, or at least for me, and I wanna share for those who haven't known them yet because they deserve to have more attention. And for the first 'A Story to Tell' I would like to share the information about Eratosthenes. 

Eratosthenes? Is it a name of a place, or a new illness related to tetanus? Nope folk. 'He' is a male person who is included in my greatest men ever in the world. So he's a scientist and also the director of the great library in Alexandria, happened to discover the length of Earth circumference. 'Hello, there are many scientists that can calculate it too. Nothing special.'. Nope folk, the point is he did that in 3 B.C, highlighted, and he is the first person who did that by utilizing only two sticks, eyes, feet, and brain. That's all.

So it was started from the observation of Eratosthenes. He ever saw that when we stick a stick to the ground of a city name Syene, in the south of Alexandria near Nil's river, at 21st June, the stick will have no shadow. And if he did the same in Alexandria, at the exact time, the stick have a shadow. Wow! What makes the difference? He thought and concluded that the Earth surface has never been flat and is curved.

And then he started to do some measurements. He measured the angle of the stick in Alexandria versus the stick in Syene. It's 7 degree, which is one fiftieth of 360 degrees. And then he paid someone to measure the distance between Alexandria and Syene and it is 800 km. He assumed that the earth is round,and if that so the circumference of the earth will be 50 times 800 km, which is 40,000 kms. 

So know, let's search in the Google and find the circumference of earth (today calculation) to compare Eratosthenes's calculation.


It's 99.8% correct guys! Amazing right! He only did observation for something that maybe for any people is just a merely ordinary occurrence, used simple tools and voila he could calculate the circumference of our Earth! And honestly, I'm still wondering how much money that he gave to that person who measure 800 km distance from Alexandria to Syene. He must be so rich 'cause that 's a long way to go, haha.

So people, what can we earn from Eratosthenes? Be curious, even for the slightest thing! And keep our persistence high to solve that thing. Undoubtedly, there will be so many inventions and discoveries if the most of Earth citizen have these character. 

Until next time!


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