What did i do wrong...
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Adulthood sucks more than I thought. Can’t get my closure when I need it the most. Learn to rely on myself for making my own happiness. Anxiety. There is failure after failure. Working so hard at the office until the sun set down. My parents are growing old. Bills an debt. Need to save my money ‘for the better future’ but in other world need to keep my mind sane by buying something less useful that i like such as having a good food (because decent food is enough). No more time for doing my hobby. Overthinking, what i should do when I have moved to another town without the routine I usually have. People who is demanding. Everyone demands the best work for me while I only have 24 hours a day (minus 6 hours for sleeping) that I spent most of it by working, less resting. People judgment. There are so many times when I was being like a zombie, my body was doing my routine voluntary but my mind was not there. I forgot the name of other people. I forgot why i enter a room at the fi...
Hasil lamunan di sore hari
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Banyak hal yang terjadi di hidupku, dari yang menyenangkan sampai yang menyedihkan namun yang mampu membuatku menjadi lebih kuat. Banyak hal memang, namun nggak terasa. Sudah 26 tahun aku menjalani kehidupanku disini. Dan aku tersadar bahwa hidup tak lain halnya seperti kita yang sedang menikmati secangkir teh hangat. Teguk demi teguk, kadang manis kadang sepat, dan tak terasa sudah tinggal setengah tehnya. Lalu habis. Sangat singkat. Dalam kehidupan yang singkat ini, izinkanlah aku untuk menjadi versi terbaik dari diriku sendiri. Berproses. Membangun anak-anak tangga satu demi satu untuk bisa melihat dunia dari sudut pandang yang lebih luas. Izinkanlah aku untuk mencari ridho Allah dalam setiap aktivitas yang aku lakukan. Menjadi manusia seperti yang diinginkan-Nya dan selalu bermanfaat. Izinkanlah aku untuk senantiasa menyayangi keluarga dan semua orang-orang yang aku kasihi. Eratkan tali persaudaraan kami, sehingga kami selalu ada di saat suka maupun duka. Bismillah.
Aku mau cerita guys
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ALOHA GUYS! Since everybody is busy his or her life and no one has an interest my life today, I will post a self appreciation because I’ve been very diligent and have done so many things. I am proud of myself because I have been better than yesterday. We should appreciate and not be hard to ourselves, okay? Bangun subuh lalu sholat. Habis sholat cus ke halaman buat nyapu daun-daun kering. Dedaunan terkumpul, lalu diserok masuk ke dalam tempat sampah. Then lanjut peregangan dan skipping an, nembus 70 kali lompatan waw. Untuk aku yang belum rutin olah raga it’s such a record yah haha. Setelah olah raga, istirahat bentar, lanjut bersihinin kipas angin (Maspion fan box dikasih FFI sebagai bonus tahunan, alhamdulillah). Ternyata ada Youtube vlogger yang nerangin cara membersihkannya gimana dong, detail banget penjelasannya. Ternyata ada komponen kipas angin yang bisa dipretelin dan mbersihin komponen-komponennya pakai air dan sabun. Okay, selama ini aku cuman pakai lap kering dan basah...
Respect works both ways
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A self reminder. Written by Sembadra Monday, 8 June 2020, 22:36 Ketika kita lebih tua dari orang lain yang lebih muda, it doesn’t mean kita boleh berperilaku sesuka kita tanpa menghargai dan memerdulikan perasaan mereka just because we’re older than them. Hargai mereka because they’re just living their life walau mungkin memiliki metode yang berbeda dari kita dalam menjalani hidup. Apresiasi mereka because they’ve done their best walau mungkin terkendala dengan pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang terbatas. Maafkankah mereka because.. they’re human tho. Now I ask to myself, did I do every single thing in my life precisely and no mistakes? If the answer is ‘no’, and always be ‘no’, then I have no right to force them to be right, no mistakes, at the first time they do something and judge them when they do any mistakes. Don’t be so judgmental karena kita bukan malaikat raqib dan atid yang selama 24 jam melihat segala perbuatan mereka. We never know what story they never ...
A Letter to God
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Dear God, Thank you for everything (that sometimes I take for granted) you've given to me. You gave me a beautiful life to live, fresh air to breath, good health, good fortune, warm sunlight and birds that always chirping in the morning. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful family. You gave me the most caring and wise parents for me, who always believe in me, give the best advice whenever I am at the lowest point of my life, have a full stock of hilarious jokes, and be that cool and easy-going parents. You also gave me a little brother that sometimes is annoying but most of the time very caring. I love them so much. And also, because of You, I meet many good and wonderful people in my life. Thank you for that. Thank you God. In this new age, please give me strength and a big heart to sail the ship in to the newly discovered sea that full of uncertainties. My portion is to fight as best as I can, and the rest is up to you, God. I believe that your pl...
Thank you 2019. Welcome 2020.
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2019. In this year, I learned a lot. I learned to discover my true self, what I really want, what vision I follow, and what mission I do. There is something that is still unclear but it much more clearer than before. I believe it will be much clearer in 2020, amen. I learned to distinguish my feelings, try to express them and not bury them in to the deepest level of my heart. Because girls, it will hurt so much if I just bury them and be so confused what exactly I feel right now and what things that I should do to bear and overcome this feeling. I met many new people or we can say acquaintance and some new friends. I still have my family. And also, I met Yoga. They pour me so much love. I learned a lot from them. There was, and is (until right now) so much positive energy around me because of them. I feet supported, I feel needed. I feel matters. And that's enough to make my days as bright as the solar flare. In terms of financial thingy, I can se...