Welcome 2013!

Actually I'm in the middle of final exam preparation but suddenly I miss blogging, and this blog, and you can say I'm sick and tired of studying (Although we can say it isn't so hard. I just study about 4-5 hours per day.), so I decided to plug my Sm*rtfren modem into my notebook, open Google Chrome, browse the page of 'create my new post', and write something.

So happy new year for the human race in this world! I know it's too late for saying those words because it's been 03/01/2013 but it's better than say nothing at all, am I right? And also I wanna give my deepest condolence for Mayan enthusiasts for the failed prediction of the calendar.

I've seen many blogs with 'What I Want To Do In 2013' or 'My Wishlist' post in the top of it and I feel jealous because I haven't posted anything about my wishlist so I decide to write one. 

So here it is, my wishlist for 2013! 

1. I'm not lazy anymore.
2. Have a great GPA for this semester (it'll motivate me to do better somehow) and the next semesters, at least 3,1. 
3. Have a super family (like my family in Sampoerna Academy) consists of my best friends in my collage life.
4. Study for max. 2 hours per day.
5. Have a doll which always stays beside me when I'm sleeping.
6. Do my second charity program with my lovely department, Sosial Masyarakat (Sosmas)
7. Go swimming with my best friends!
8. Ask Sani to copy Glee series, from season 1 until season 4, into my fd. 
9. Wake up at 3 a.m. to pray tahajjud every day.
10. Have a new red notebook!
11. Have one great boyfie (I don't want to be forever alone...).
12. Allowed to bring my old buddy, my PS2, to Jogja.
13. Be able to wash my Fino (my motorbike) once a month.
14. Write a book and publish it.
15. Have a DSLR camera. The purple one!
16. Paint my room.
17. Become secret agent for anything good.
18. Become one of exchanged students.
19. Have an account in SoundCloud.
20. Buy birthday presents for my parents, my lil brother, and my best friends.
21. Meet Adam Lambert! (Sounds impossible..)
22. Attend English course with my friends.
23. Draw on every page of a new sketch book seriously.
24. Join PPSMB for the freshmen of Faculty of Engineering as committee.
25. Get someone who wants to teach me how to play a guitar with zero salary.
26. Buy a set of wall sticker about London in Sunday Morning (Sunmor).
27. Have a clear schedule and to-do list in entire year.
28. Be able to eat the main dish, not just snack, thrice a day.
29. Have a yellow rain coat. 
30. Live in a suitable rent room. 
31. My special ones and me will stay young and healthy.
32. Have a Horta plant.
33. Go to Lombok in holiday.
34. My allergy of cold and dust will disappear.
35. Always smile and be happy :)
Oh, I almost forget!
36. Don't have any abdominal cramp or backache or dizziness or muscle pain or anything that makes me upset and in the bad mood if i'm in my period!

Aamiin. Allah is the best listener so I hope Allah will make my wishlist come true. And also I should give my best effort so that it isn't just a wishlist written in a blog but really happens in my life. So enjoy 2013! :D


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