Innallaha ma'a sobrin. You, keep working hard and being patient. God will do the rest. No worries. Be happy. Uhyeah.
Showing posts from 2016
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21:27 13/11/2016 Shareen House, Room No. 8 Accompanied by Michael Buble songs One day, in an afternoon street, I met you Those two greyish hollows --the two eyes that absorbed my soul And those genuine dimples you own They really captivated me Then I smile ‘Cause that time i know my love was in the air As the day went by D etaining this feeling was the only thing I could do Until your secret was revealing itself like a fool One by one, one piece to another ‘Till it became a vivid picture, a complete conclusion Your eyes are keen on her And your heart as well I feel a soreness in my brain A burning sensation in my wet eyes A tingle in my heart And I asked to myself, “Do I turn into a broken hearted?” Yes, indeed. I’m a broken hearted girl. But It’s merely a little ash in a deep, raging sea of feelings That will be washed away To the place that never was Here, it’ll leave a new start And eventually turn into the brightest path
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Alrite, I have the urge to post my experience I got last night because it's so awesome. More than 24 hours before right now, I was in Surabaya to attend job recruitment from Wing Corp. My father told me to come back home immediately because I think he had been missing me so much wkwk. So I ordered a ticket of travel bus, named Bali Prima, last night and the operator said that the minibus would pick me up around maghrib time. And you know what, the recruitment was done at 5 something pm. I was being me, I was so nervous, afraid that the minibus would arrive at my friend's house (we numpang tidur situ, thanks Dara wkwk) when I'm not there. Then, right after the recruitment done, I asked my hottest friend named Retna to order a Go-car (because I don't have the app cause my phone's internal memory is not enough. Even I can't update my Whatsapp huff). We got the driver, Pak Bambang! After that Retna, Hana (my friend too), and I waited Pak Bambang in venue's lobby...
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When my collage life is represented by a neat line (actually it's more like a graph with ups and downs wkwk), right now I'm standing in one of its two end points. AND actually this line is a floating wall that keep me fall in to the fire sea and in order to survive, I need to jump into another floating wall, which is career life. To make my best jump, I need to make sure that everything is okay. I should choose the best shoes, with a pair of spring maybe, so that I can jump higher or in the other words, increasing my vertical leap. Or maybe I need to turn on a tornado fan so that when I jump, I can fly and land on another floating wall so perfectly wkwk. Btw, ini kenapa konteksnya jadi game kaya Mario Bros ya wkwk. Anyway, the point is I need to prepare everything, physically and mentally. I'm so curious what I'll encounter in the future and what kind of life I should live and who are people I'll meet and what adventures I'll get but... But it turns out that mov...
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Alhamdulillah... Finally, one of my milestones, the final milestone, in my collage life has been accomplished. I've learnt that struggling, believing to yourself, and having a positive mind can lead you into something great. I've learnt that the prays and the motivations from my dearest family and friends can give me such a power to live my life (not just being alive) and finish everything I've been started. And finally, I've learnt that the helps from Allah SWT always exist whether I recognize it or not. Praise Allah. Thank you, Allah for making this happen. Thank you, everyone who has helped me the whole time. I wish nothing but the best for you all. Thank you, myself for enduring the difficulties and believing that you can do it. I hope that everything I've got from this institution, from the knowledge, the people to the memories that have been made, can make me better Aamiin. Btw, it's so ...
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I walked on the pier in the beach I favor the most After 10 steps, I stopped. I was wondering, why this night breeze is so cold. I stared to the waves. They’re not ragging. They’re quite, because of the their peace or their sadness, i wasn’t quite sure. Then, I stared to the clear night sky. Looking up at a night sky full of stars is like staring into infinity. It captivated me, knowing that eternity existed right before my eyes, yet I’m not capable to reach it. It’s just like you. So close, yet unattainable from my grasp.
Attention please!
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Everybody needs to watch this documentation! It's about Permias doing Tari Buka Umbong in Worldwide Showcase in Texas Tech. Some of my friends took a part in that show. They looked so happy preparing and performing the show. And the behind the scene documentation is so funny! Duh jadi pengen ikutan kaya gitu tapi ya udah tuaa wkwk.
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Akhir-akhir ini banyak kejadian-kejadian yang menyadarkanku kalo hidup itu sementara. Kita ga bakalan pernah tahu umur kita sampai kapan. Kejadian-kejadian itu sungguh menyesakkan dada. Mas Mesin 2011 yang meninggal secara tak terduga saat diving... Maba Geofisika yang ilang 4 hari dan ternyata ditemukan meninggal di dalam toilet lantai lima gedung S2 S3 FMIPA. Maba malang itu ternyata dibunuh oleh petugas cleaning service saat dia mau masuk kelas dan menuntut ilmu... Adek malang yang sedang pulang sekolah menjadi bulan-bulanan 14 laki mabok dan dijadikan pelampiasan nafsu mereka... Video kecelakan yang ditayangkan waktu jadi responden tugas akhir temen aku. Kecelakaan itu melibatkan sebuah bus, angkot, dan 2 pengendara motor dibelakang angkot. Korbannya ada 4, yaitu supir angkot, 2 pengendara motor, dan 1 orang anak yang diboncengin sama salah satu pengendara motor itu. Dan kalian tahu penyebabnya apa? Supir busnya kena heart attack dan bus akhirnya gabisa dikendalikan... Semoga ...
Random Lagi
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Hal yang membuat aku bahagia ketika lagi di rumah adalah bisa ngobrol macem-macem, mulai dari hal banyol sampai wejangan untuk persiapan masa depan, sama: ibu sambil ngerjain daily course bareng-bareng dan ayah ketika ngobrol sore santai atau ketika nyiram tanaman dan kasih makan burung-burung bareng-bareng. Bahagia juga nongol ketika ngobrol hal konyol, ngegame bareng, dan cerita hantu bareng sama Eto mehehe. Tambah bahagia lagi ketika kami berempat ngumpul di teras rumah dan cerita macem-macem, dari A sampai Z. Ternyata emang yaa, hal-hal kecil mampu membuat sebuah rumah menjadi sangat hangat. It's that simple. Alhamdulillah..
Wonderful Life
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Np. Wonderful World - Joseph William Morgan feat Shadow Royale Halooo, kali ini aku mau nyeritain sebuah inspirational event. Jadi ceritanya minggu lalu aku bosen banget but nothing to do. Okay ada jurnal LASSO untuk dibaca, cuman otak udah kasih sinyal 'jangan baca dulu', soalnya semaleman udah berusaha baca jurnal lain yang terkait LASSO tapi ga ngeh juga haha. Suasana hati juga lagi butuh banget untuk dihibur jadi aku memutuskan untuk pergi ke Gramedia. Sampai Gramed aku langsung naik ke lantai 3, ke area buku-buku dan ternyata ada semacam parenting talkshow. Backdropnya bertuliskan Wonderful Life. Aku mikir, sepertinya talkshow ini sekalian mau promosiin buku deh. Biasa, marketing. Lalu aku memutuskan untuk muter-muter buat milih buku. Karena talkshownya pake mic, jadinya mau muter kemana aja aku masih bisa nedengerin apa yang mereka bicarain. Dan ternyata talkshownya bagus. Akhirnya aku berdiri di belakang ibu-ibu, guru dan bapak-bapak yang lagi duduk di kursi ...
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I don't know why I'm still hoping that you're really the one after all those silent treatments from you. We've been passed each other for some times but never said hi. Maybe we're just afraid to make a first step. I don't know... I'm afraid we'll be two strangers who pass each other on some street. Oh God, I'm missing him so bad... What an overwhelming feeling.. It just like my heart will bursting out of my chest... And I think I'm gonna cry.. What a cry baby, eh? Good things come to those who wait, isn't it?
Persona 3 tends to make me feel so many things at once...
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Bicara Cinta by Underblack
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Aloha, do you guys still remember my promise to write a post about how I closed 2015 and welcomed 2016? Since I have so many precious memories, I don't know where to start, so I decide to write nothing, hahaha. Yang pasti pertemuan dengan mereka-mereka sangat berkesan, merupakan pelipur lara, dan aku sangat bersyukur dipertemukan dengan mereka :3 Jadi untuk mengganti post yang aku janjikan, aku bakal kasih tau sebuah mini series mengenai cinta yang aku tonton di Youtube wakak. Maafin yeee bahasannya dari kemaren cinta melulu. Jadi barusan karena gak ada kerjaan dan lagi bosen, aku ngebaca-baca home twitter aku (ini pekerjaan yang gak penting banget, ciyus). Terus ketemu deh sama twitter temen aku, isinya sebuah link Youtube yang berjudul BICARA CINTA... Wah dilihat dari judulnya sepertinya asik nih film. Akhirnya aku klik linknya, ternyata itu mini series yang terdiri dari lima buah film. Ini dia filmnya. Ini aseli lah keren bangetttt mini seriesnya, endingnya m...