Aku percaya, ada suatu masa di dalam siklus kehidupan seorang manusia dimana Ia, entah mengapa, mendapati cairan kelenjar air matanya meluap tanpa ada alasan yang jelas. Hanya ada dua hipotesis yang bisa dipilih. Pertama, terlalu banyak benang ruwet yang menghambat pasokan akal sehat dan suara hati nuraninya sehingga otak mengalami titik jenuh dan secara otomatis mengirimkan sinyal SOS kepada kelenjar air mata. Kedua, Ia gila. Aku pilih opsi pertama. Tentu saja. Kuluapkan semua bersama dengan rintik-rintik hujan yang jatuh mengenai jalanan Jogja yang kusam. Lega . Sama halnya dengan rintik hujan yang menyapu air mata, semoga 'suatu masa' ini menyapu segala kegelisahan dan membuatku menjadi lebih tegar . Aamiin. Jumat, 17/05/2013 di Kamar No. 8 yang segera kutinggalkan.
This is a letter as a remembrance for my future self. For those who think this letter is ridiculous, don't bother to read it and with my pleasure, you may leave this page. Hello the future Sembadra, you should remember that you've been contributing in an activity, which is so awesome and you want to join it over and over again, called Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN). For those who don't know what exactly KKN is and if the future Sembadra, somehow, forgets about it, it's community service and development in other words. This activity make undergrad students getting involve in society's problems and with their skill gained in university, they should help the society to solve them. So the future Sembadra, let me explain you about your KKN. It took place in Kecamatan Larangan. Hmm, sounds weird huh? It's in Kabupaten Brebes, in Central Java. The condition of this place is so dusty with strong wind, and everywhere is red onion fields and damaged roads. And not to be forgo...
Alrite, I have the urge to post my experience I got last night because it's so awesome. More than 24 hours before right now, I was in Surabaya to attend job recruitment from Wing Corp. My father told me to come back home immediately because I think he had been missing me so much wkwk. So I ordered a ticket of travel bus, named Bali Prima, last night and the operator said that the minibus would pick me up around maghrib time. And you know what, the recruitment was done at 5 something pm. I was being me, I was so nervous, afraid that the minibus would arrive at my friend's house (we numpang tidur situ, thanks Dara wkwk) when I'm not there. Then, right after the recruitment done, I asked my hottest friend named Retna to order a Go-car (because I don't have the app cause my phone's internal memory is not enough. Even I can't update my Whatsapp huff). We got the driver, Pak Bambang! After that Retna, Hana (my friend too), and I waited Pak Bambang in venue's lobby...
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